E-BIKE Devron Riddle

RANGE : 80 km


  • 3h - 150,00 KN
  • 1 day - 250,00 KN

INCLUDED IN PRICE : (* helm * VAT *)

For all other proposals and wishes we are here at Your disposal and we look forward to successful cooperation!

For all the lovers of recreation and enjoyment in the nature, for the ones who desire to learn and research new locations, we have rent an E-bike in the area of the Imotski region

Driving in mountain areas and exploring the natural beauty of the Imotski region in this way is a real challenge.

Replace the bustling city asphalt and Your car with the beauty of nature and enjoy the leisurely E-bike ride.
Explore with bike the natural beauty of Imotski region - lakes, fields, rivers... All brave and courageous people or those who feel that way, test Yours abilities. Discover yet unexplored areas and take with yourself great memories of the Imotski and Croatia.

* click for RESERVATION * 

20,00 €
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